ACT Prep Course

ACT Fundamentals Course Live Stream


We want you to get the most out of your learning experience! The tutor hosting your session will provide you with the tools and strategies to achieve your best score, but it’s going to take a lot of focused energy on your behalf to put those new ideas into motion! Click below to get access to your Class Materials & Homework associated with each session. 

Student Game Plan

Create A Plan

Order the Official ACT Prep Guide before the ACT Course begins. Keep in mind, the ACT Course is 8-weeks long so it’s important to set aside time every week to mindfully attend each session.

Do Your Homework

Students who complete their ACT homework each week have bigger improvements than those students who don’t, with an average increase of 1-2 points. Do your homework.

Video Series

During your ACT Course membership, you’ll also have full access to 50+ videos, covering the most essential strategies and content for you to improve your score. 

Private Tutoring

If at any point you feel like you need extra help, we offer short 3 & 6 hour private tutorial packages so that you can ask your questions and gain additional insight from an expert.

ACT Course Schedule


ACT Student

The Tutors do a great job of explaining different strategies and provide all the necessary testing skills to ensure success on the ACT.

Dane E.

Caleb did a great job and and my daughter got a 3 point increase on her ACT!!

Jo G.

My score raised three points in less than two months!

Jake H.